Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Crud

Although it's nothing I can really take credit for, I pride myself on not suffering from season allergies. I'm sure to some degree all people have reactions to allergens in the air but I really don't ever get the itchy watery eyes, runny nose or sore throat that a lot of people get and that makes me happy. I also only get sick about once or twice every two years and for a person with two small children, that's a feat.

At the end of September I was talking to the receptionist at my chiropractor's office who was suffering from "just allergies" and a few days later, I found myself dealing with the same symptoms she'd had and spiraling into what I like to call a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad cold. I didn't deserve this but alas my fate was sealed because some hussy decided to go to work sick. 

I sanitized, quarantined and did everything in my power to keep from spreading germs to my family but slowly, one by one, each of them got the sniffles, coughed a little and eventually went full force into what our doctor called "The Crud." 

Many hot teas, chicken soups, vitamins and cold remedies later I decided that two and half weeks was long enough and I needed a prescription for antibiotics. Although I've been going to the same doctor's office for 6 years, I have yet to hook up with a doctor that actually practices at that site for more than a year. So each time I get there early and fill out new patient paperwork. I'm okay with this because I've come to realize a few things:
  • The administration will not change their procedure even though I think it's stupid.
  • If I bring something to read, the wait is actually pleasant. 
Each time I fill out my insurance information, I remind myself that there was a time I found myself uninsured and pregnant and how I would have done nearly anything to not have to worry about how I was going to pay the doctor. So an attitude of gratitude is what I try to bring with me when I see a doctor. 

The wait was relatively short and I got my prescription in just a few taps on the computer. I picked up my meds at the pharmacy drive through on my way home and went home to get some much needed rest (and fluids). 

In that time I realized that all the times I've rolled my eyes or huffed about waiting an hour to be see by a physician, I'm really in a good spot here. Two friends of mine are actually one a ship to Sierra Leon right now on a ship that give medical aid to countries in need. I just had to drive my car to one of many offices that I could have chosen, I can't imagine having to wait for ship to dock to get medical care for myself or my family members. 

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